HLL Board of Directors

The Holly Little League Board of Directors have elected the following members for the 2024 Season

RoleNameE-Mail Address
League President
Aaron Fleishans[email protected]
League Vice PresidentMatt Kernen[email protected]
League TreasurerDerek Burton[email protected]
League Secretary/Information OfficerJames Wright[email protected]
League Safety OfficerLuke Murchie[email protected]
League Player AgentChantel Ostrander[email protected]
 Deegan Taylor[email protected]
League Coaching Coordinator

League Sponsorship/Fundraising CommitteeChelsea Saunders-Philpot[email protected]
 Christie MacDonald[email protected]
 DeeLynn Wright[email protected]
League Social Media CommitteeChristie MacDonald[email protected]
 Chelsea Saunders-Philpot[email protected]
League Equipment Manager

League Field Maintenance OfficerLuke Murchie[email protected]
League Concessions ManagerDeeLynn Wright[email protected]
Chief of Umpire Operations

Local Sponsors